A downloadable game

Hey there! 

Here's a form-fillable PDF character sheet for The One Ring 2nd Edition Roleplaying Game based the official character sheet, rearranges it a bit, and adds some of the graphic elements from the core rulebook. It's all free and available for personal use.

Happy gaming in Middle-Earth!


14/11/21 Update: fixed minor bug linking 2nd Enhearten and Persuade boxes.
15/11/21 Update: fixed minor bug restricting Protection field values.
20/11/21 Update: fixed minor descrepancy in some field borders.


TOR Custom Character Sheet colour FF.pdf 1.7 MB
TOR Custom Character Sheet grey FF.pdf 1.4 MB

Install instructions

There are dozens of PDF readers out there and it is simply not possible to produce Form Fillable PDFs that provide full functionality across each and every one (I know this cause it's my day job and it's a bugbear). 

For that reason it is thoroughly reccomended that these PDFs be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Google Chrome's PDF reader will also work, except that it does not support image importation so you'll have to print it out and illustrate your character (which is cool anyway). 

Beyond that, no guarantees can be made that the PDFs will function as intended. 

To reset the form and remove the data from all the form fields click on the "Reset Form" button at the lower right of the page.

Good luck!

Development log


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(1 edit)

Hi Jaz, I found your beautiful character sheet. It's awesome and functional. I'd like to translate it in Italian for my children at the library. Can you provide th file? Gratefulness, shared file once translated and enthusiastic attribution granted :)

great alternative character sheet, I love it!

Would you allow me to translate it into French for my community in France? Thanks in advance.


Hey man! Beautiful sheet! Could I help you translate it in french? 

All the best, 


+1 ! I would like to have a french version too. We just got The One Ring v2 a few weeks ago in France.  

I can help for a french translation too if you have a discord. It would be great for us to use your awesome work in our language :D

I can translate your project into Spanish if you wish :)


This is an Eru send! The default sheet is okay but this is WAY better… and also printer friendly THX A LOT!

Thank you making this available to all of us, Jez. This is really really helpful!

Thank you for this beautiful CS! I complained on the original on another forum and were immediately attacked by the fan boys. On this CS the stats are much more obvious than just having a number for the TN.


I love this! You really fixed the problem.

We've played using your card, but we've found we need even more space on our CS, so I redesigned it once again, this time to make it a vertical, two-sided A4. Also, my version is just for printing - not form-fillable at all. 

You are credited on the character sheet itself, and my post on Reddit has a link leading here. Hope you're okay with that...?



impressive work, love it 


Really appreciate the time and effort that went into this! Thanks for sharing.


Beautiful. Thank you!


Awesome! Thank you.